This script is used to manage user accounts in the endpoint through procedures for,
1.Create user
2.Change password
3. Delete user
4. Disable Password Change
5. Rename user
6. Display last login details
7. Enable the account and unlocking the account
8. Disable the account
9. Enable the local administrator user account
10. Enable built-in "Administrator" account
11. Disable built-in "Administrator" account
12. Removing user account from administrator group
13.Make the domain user account from the local group
Provide the option as per your process such as createuser, changepwd, disablepwd, deleteuser, renameusr, login, enable user account, disable user account, make custom as administrator account,make custom administrator account as standard user account, enable and disable administrator account,
Editing Parameters:
For Example,
option = '1'
uN - Provide user name for the user account
pwd - Provide the password for a user account
newuN - Provide new user name for rename
option 1: For creating user provide the uN and pwd
option 2: For changing the password provide uN and pwd
option 3: For delete the existing user provide uN
option 4: For disable the password change provide uN
option 5: For rename, the user account provide uN and newuN
option 6: For display login detail for a account provide uN
option 7: For Enabling the account and unlock the account provide uN
option 8: For Disabling the account provide uN
option 9: For enabling the local administrator user account
optio 10: Enable built in "Administrator" account
option 11: Disable built in "Administrator" account
option 12: Make custom administrator user account to standard user account
option 13: Make domain user account from the local group
It should be Run as System User.