Note : Run as Localsystem user
Categories: Onboarding
Hi, This script will help you to automatically unenroll from one EM portal and enroll in another EM portal. Refer the wiki to run the proc...
Categories: Onboarding
Under :CDMInstall copy /y "Enter the file location with network share path" start /w c:\"EDR AGENT NAME" /quiet
Categories: Onboarding
This script is used to install the DLP agent version 3.16.4 NOTE: Parameters to edit: IP_ADDRESS =itsm.getParameter('IP_Address'...
Categories: Onboarding
This script is helps you to install Comodo Client Security(ccs) and AV DB in both Windows and server. How it works: 1. This script...
Categories: Onboarding
Hi Please refer the wiki below guide before you proceed to the script to install acronics client backup app
Categories: Onboarding
This script will install CCS from the Network share without authentication and without any restart. Please ensure that you have setup file in the net...
Categories: Onboarding
This script will install CCS from the Network share without authentication and with the 5min restart. Please ensure that you have setup file in the n...
Categories: Onboarding