This is the Custom Monitoring Script which is used to check whether the CCS is present or Not and install CCS, If CCS is present it is used to check whether AV DB is present or Not and install AV DB. Also the procedure is able to uninstall any other version that the one specified, this option can be used when the update/downgrade option is no longer available.
Run the script as custom monitoring
You need to Run the Script auto-remediation alert on Run below procedure:(refer the below image)
Refer the below wiki link for Auto remediation alert Configurations:
Please Do not Use the Script as Normal Procedure
The below-mentioned script is Auto Remediation Procedure its Only for the above Custom monitoring script.
Before running the custom monitoring you need to import below-mentioned auto-remediation procedure in normal proceed
This script could be used as an custom monitoring procedure for the below auto-remediation script.