The Script will to do the following: 1. Apply registry patch-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OneDrive] &...
Categories: Action
Please refer the script to change the default search of google chrome to using proxy settings Note: 1)In proxy_IP give your proxy a...
Categories: Action
Hi, please refer the script to 1. Remove/hide content from start button 2-.Disable/enable access to notification area note:...
Categories: Action
This script is used to fix Internet Explorer Blank page Printing Issue. Please run this script as logged in user
Categories: Action
This script is used to run the powershell command file with specified path Edit parameters: please provide the powershell file path ...
Categories: Action
This procedure removes the registry string keys and then goes into the Window Services of the computer and restarts the Windows Update service. Edi...
Categories: Action
Hi, This script used to display the network Logs in the endpoint. It will support above windows 8 version.
Categories: Action
Hi This script is used to change the network interface metric by the reference of interface index. It will support above windows 8...
Categories: Action
Hi, This script is used to get the report of installed applications - install dates with their vendor name for "ESET"...
Categories: Action
Hi Please refer this script to deploy bginfo. Inputs: fromURL: Give the direct download link of the software to be downloaded S: Giv...
Categories: Action